
Ocular Health Information

Night Myopia is a phenomenon most healthy people experience while driving at night. There is a change in "refraction" of light that may cause blurred vision. The situation occurs more frequently in younger people than the elderly. Correction of this condition by "night time glasses" is difficult due to the dependency of visual acuity on luminance. Although changes in refraction at night may cause road hazards, specific glasses for driving at night will not always be useful since driving environments include low and high luminance. Night myopia is an important, controversial subject that needs further study. If you think you suffer from the symptoms of night myopia make an appointment with your eye care specialist for solutions tailored to your specific needs.


MYOPIA or nearsightedness is a vision condition in which a person sees near objects clearly but the distance is blurry. Your optometrist can prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct your nearsightedness. The glasses or contacts will alter the way the light images enter your eyes bringing you clear vision.

PRESBYOPIA is a vision condition that is a natural part of the aging process that cannot be prevented. Some signs include the tendancy to hold reading material at arms length, eye fatigue and headaches. As with Myopia, your optometrist can prescribe corrective lenses which he or she will determine to be worn at all times or only when reading.

For more information on eye conditions visit the American Optometric Association

GLAUCOMA is an eye disease in which internal pressure in your eyes increases. It is one of the leading causes of blindness in the U.S. Glaucoma cannot be prevented but early detection is crucial to controlling the disease. Your eye doctor will do a tonometry test during your regular eye exam to measure your pressure. They will also check your optic nerve as well as do periodic visual field tests to measure changes.

MACULAR DEGENERATION comes in two forms: wet and dry. Most people with macular degeneration have the dry form. Some common symptoms of this disease are a gradual loss of ability to see clearly or a dark or empty area appearing in the center of vision. Recent research indicates that taking certain vitamins or eating fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables such as red grapes, peas, spinach and canataloupe to name a few may help prevent or slow the progression of this disease.

DRY EYE. Tears are necessary for overall eye health. Dry eye means that your eyes do not produce enough tears or have the correct composition. The causes of dry eye may be due to the natural aging process. They can also be caused by medications, climate or general health problems. Dry eye symptoms may include itchiness, scratchy red eyes or a sensation of having something in your eye. Dry eye cannot be cured but your Optometrist can prescribe a number of treatments.

For more information on eye diseases visit the American Optometric Association

CHILDREN'S VISION. Your child's education depends not only on good teachers, schools and curriculum but also good vision. When your child is in the classroom he /she uses a number of vision skills. Near and distance vision is important as well as focusing skills, peripheral awareness and eye/hand coordination. You may see a drop in your child's grades if any of these or other skills are not functioning properly. Don't depend on a vision screening by a school or your pediatrician. Have your child examined by an Optometrist at least every two years, more frequently if your child wear glasses.

For more information on school age vision visit the American Optometric Association

Contact lenses are considered medical devices and should be prescribed by a licensed Optometrist or Ophthalmologist. Your doctor will select the proper lens brand, base curve and diameter based on the information derived from a contact lens fitting/evaluation. For a comprehensive list of do's and dont's see American Optometric Association

MONOVISION is often prescribed for people over the age of 40 who are presbyopic. If a patient is fitted with monovision they typically will wear a contact for near vision in one eye and a contact for distance vision in the other eye. There are other variations of monovision your Optometrist can discuss with you.

For more information on contact lens options please visit the American Optometric Association

DISCLAIMER:  The content of this page is meant to be informational only. It is not meant to be used for self-diagnosis of eye conditions or diseases. We all strive to be informed consumers and as with any health issue, you should consult your Optometrist or Ophthalmologist for determination of eye health and related treatment.