Eyeglasses and Optometrist Services
in Hyannis, MA
Mall Vision Center updated their on-site lab in Hyannis, MA to state-of-art equipment in March 2013. With our large selection of frames and in-stock ophthalmic lenses our opticians Tina Kennedy and Bruce Jones can provide most single vision glasses in one day.
We will order insurance covered glasses for anyone who is eligible. Our opticians services will provide this service to our own patients as well as anyone who comes in with an outside prescription. Mall Vison Center will gladly fill all outside prescriptions regardless of whether there is an insurance benefit.
As part of our opticians services, Tina & Bruce will take the time with their patients to insure proper fit & comfort of the new eyeglasses.
Dr. Wendy Leslie provides her patients with comprehensive eye examinations. She routinely checks for glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration, referring to the appropriate specialist when necessary.
Our comprehensive eye exams include dilation of the eyes so the doctor may do a thorough check of the retina and optic nerves.

Did you know that the eye is the only part of your anatomy where the doctor can see blood vessels without surgery?
Contact lens evaluations can be done in conjunction with an eye exam. The doctor will first determine your refraction and then make an evaluation as to which lens is the best for the patient. For first time contact lens patients the doctor(or technician) will teach the patient how to handle the contacts, recognize when they are inside out, insertion and removal, and finally, care of the contacts. This can take anywhere from one lesson to a few. The fee typically covers follow-up visits of 2-3 weeks from the initial exam.